At the beginning of 2019, Sovereign Foods had the objective of reaching out and connecting with its customers and creating greater brand awareness. As the seasoned creator of Sovereign’s brand positioning, Valuing Goodness, our crew was well equipped to take on the task. With our assistance, Sovereign Foods got very sociable with an exciting social media strategy that was rolled out on Facebook and Instagram, along with an updated, user-friendly website.
Social media presents the perfect way to grow mutual familiarity and engagement between the master brand and the real people who make up its audience. To get Sovereign Foods talking to its customers, we created exciting content for the brand in the form of easy-to-consume videos, educational meal hacks, nutritional meal tips, and delicious chicken recipes for mealtime inspiration.
The positive results of Sovereign becoming socially savvy were clear. Their content has been performing well since the get-go and their followers are fully engaged with the brand. The first phase has exceeded all goals, with a growth rate of 170% on Facebook and 133% on Instagram.
The increase stems from strategic engagement with the brand’s growing community through great content, and relevant targeting. Suffice to say, since we’ve taken the reigns (or should we say wings), Sovereign’s brand awareness and engagement have soared.
Not ones to rest on our roosts, we will continue to drive brand loyalty by digging into the insights. That’s the beauty of social media, you learn something new about your audience every day.
View our other Sovereign campaigns here.