NESCAFÉ RICOFFY Cappuccino Launch.

Share a delicious moment

The fact that NESCAFÉ RICOFFY is South Africa’s favourite coffee is old news. But even old favourites need new product extensions. Enter NESCAFÉ RICOFFY Cappuccino, in a range of local flavours such as milk tart and biscuit.

These heart-warming sachets of deliciousness were designed to attract and appeal to a contemporary audience and add a touch of indulgence to the brand. The launch had to be fresh but still sit within the brand’s main story of sharing moments, bringing people together and stirring memories.

The smooth, creamy taste was inspiring food for thought. The solve bubbled forth from the drink’s ability to instantly make any moment special.

The campaign, which featured in-store and on social media, was fun and light-hearted. The typographic style mimicked the quirky hand-lettering of informal local sign writing, while the use of local colloquialisms brought the uniquely South African flavours to life.

Sales figures confirmed it – NESCAFÉ RICOFFY Cappuccino is the sweetest excuse to share more moments more often. All in all, the launch caused quite a stir and had consumers frothing at the mouth for more tasty Mzanzi flavours. Watch this space, biscuit.





Integrated Brand Communications

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